Security rules for the customer at the casino
Casinos, especially ones with a unique history and status, attract not only respectable members of the public, gilded youths or celebrities, but also scammers of all stripes. They range from commonplace pickpockets after the purses and credit cards of hapless customers, to highly professional crooks. These “aristocrats” of the thievery business can amass tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars at the expense of the player, who has made the bank and is already celebrating his victory.
The only thing to do when in the casino not to fall prey to such “gentlemen”
1. Avoid alcohol. Sure, not everybody goes to the casino to make money at work or in business; people come to relax, unwind and socialize in high society. Nevertheless, a person inebriated becomes the most desirable prey. It is not only pickpocketing. There are specially trained “players” who spot such tipsy clients. Their aim is to become partners, for example in a game of cards or “consultants” in a game of roulette.
They clearly have all the gambling advantages and soon the cost of an extra champagne or hors d’oeuvres drunk in a casino can cost several thousand dollars, pounds or euros lost in the form of real money. In gambling, and even more so in casinos, focus, attention and concentration are needed more than ever.
2. “Controlling your personal belongings” – purses, handbags and other valuable accessories of wealthy casino goers are the first targets of thieves. The problem is not even that a purse worth a couple of Mercedes will be stolen, but that the purse, the wallet may contain credit cards, some confidential items, personal data.

3. Control over the settlement. A player usually cashes his winnings in the casino immediately at the cashier’s desk. Here is a critical point for self-control. It should be remembered that cheaters will be very careful not only to see how many chips the client exchanges for cash, but also where he will hide his wallet, purse or handbag afterwards. If possible, do not go to the cash register alone – have someone you know stand by you.
4. Avoid communicating with strangers, let alone discussing financial matters. Swindlers and thieves are great psychologists. They may quickly and unobtrusively gain the full confidence of a casino customer. After such casual friendship and communication you may easily miss your money, wallet or credit card.
5. Game chips – they should never be stacked on the gaming table. Not only does this attract the attention of the public, it is also a great opportunity to stealthily pull out a couple of these chips, which would then be a big nuisance for the owner. Once the winnings in the form of chips have piled up on the table, you just need to take a short break and go and change them at the cash register.
6. Any reputable casino that values its reputation is sure to have a customer escort service option. This is a professional security service that will save the customer from unnecessary and suspicious acquaintances and other negative moments. The cost of such a service is justified in any case. Even if there is no winnings, the client will still be left with their wallet, credit card or a gold Parker pen worth a couple of thousand pounds.
As a complement to the standard escort service, some casinos provide a free escort and delivery service in a casino car to the customer’s home or hotel.
7. Do not risk your documents in the casino. The casino is a place of leisure, first and foremost. You should not risk going to a gambling establishment with any important documents. Even your passport (especially a foreign passport in another country) should be left at home or at the hotel. A stolen passport can sometimes be more expensive than winning at a casino.