safety rules for online casinos

How to be safe when playing online casino games

The game at an online casino, with all its attractions, has its share of risks. And it’s not always the case that these risks are related to the fact that the game is being played at unreasonably high stakes or with borrowed money. There are quite a few other factors directly related to the safety of playing casino games, even at home.

Factor 1: Personal information

 Carefully keep logins and passwords safe when logging in to the gaming terminal, the gaming application. A simple rule applies here, that a password or login should have a combination of not only numbers and letters, but also with different type of register. Such a password is virtually impossible to generate or forge. Never use for passwords and logins the date of birth of the owner of the gadget or his relatives, any familiar names, phone numbers, addresses, and other significant dates. First of all, swindlers begin to pick up the key to the cracked password according to these data (they are easily fixed via social networks).

Factor 2: Security of computer equipment used

This is primarily a strict limitation of unauthorized access to a gaming gadget, a computer by unauthorized persons. It is recommended to use a separate laptop or tablet for the game in general, with carefully concealed passwords. It is also highly discouraged to use public Wifi networks to access the internet for the game, as there, unprotected internet traffic is guaranteed against hacking. Here you can also give advice to refrain from playing online casinos (for real money) in online clubs or cafes, workplaces and offices. There is always the possibility that such a computer has a 100% chance of being infected with viruses – spies. 

security measures for players at online casinos

Factor 3: Security of the “software” used

It has long been a common rule to use various anti-virus programs and reliable firewalls to protect software on the computer, its software components. It is recommended to protect when playing online casino:

  • Apply licensed software products, the same Windows, IOS is better to have a licensed one than a downloaded “pirated” version.
  • Always make an update “software”, on a predetermined schedule.
  • Use licensed anti-virus software
  • Always check your security certificate when you open the game site.
  • While playing the game always close other web pages and applications which are not in use at the time, e.g. email, news sites, messengers.

If possible, you can use VPN services or proxy servers (the trusted ones) to protect yourself. This also comes in handy in case the casino site is for some reason blocked by the authorities or local service provider.

Factor 4: Security when using mobile devices

Most players at online casinos and similar gaming services are now using mobile gadgets. There are many specialized gaming apps available. The danger lies in two things.

The first is that the app should be licensed, such as taken from the Apple Store or Google play platform. It is not advisable to download game apps from dubious sites, and even less so from social networks and messengers.

The second point is the security of the gadget, smartphone or tablet itself. You need to take measures in case it is lost or temporarily out of the owner’s reach. Not only standard passwords can be used, but fingerprints or other biometric data can be used as an access code, and a two-factor security model (such as texting to another phone or email) can be implemented.